Khotgor REE
One of the world’s largest undeveloped rare earth deposits. the Project is strategically located on the doorstep of Asian customers and potential offtake partners. Rare earths remain critical in various applications with future demand to remain strong driven by the clean energy economy through e-mobility and wind power.

The Khotgor REE deposit (License MV-015631) is located approximately 530km south-south west of Ulaanbaatar in the Umnugovi province of Mongolia. The closest major city is Dalanzadgad, 65km south of the deposit; this is the closest airport and major service centre.
Tenement Details

Khotgor Minerals obtained the mining license MV-015631 in July 2010. The license covers an area of approximately 20km² and is valid for 30 years, expiring in 2040. Khotgor Minerals advises that it has obtained all the key permits/licenses from the relevant authorities to begin mining on the property.
Project Geology

The Khotgor rare earth deposit is hosted within nepheline syenites of upper to late Jurassic age (161-136 Ma). It is a relatively vertical, cylindrical body with a steep plunge to the north.
REE mineralization at Khotgor appears to occur in three distinct forms:
1. REE mineral bearing veins (several distinct varieties)
2. Disseminated grains of individual REE minerals in the matrix of the host syenite intrusive rock
3. REE mineral grains and/or grain aggregates in the matrix of breccias (dominantly polymictic breccias)
Mineralogical studies indicate that britholite and apatite contain more than 90% of the contained REE.

Sample 155232 showing breccia texture with diffuse pink and grey K feldspar-rich fragments in a feldspathic matrix. Dark brown grains and vein are phlogopite rich.

Sample 155234 with possible pink to pale grey K-feldspar-rich fragments in a grey feldspar matrix, with scattered dark phlogopite aggregates.

Concentrate with composite aggregates: pyrite-K-feldspar-apatite-titanite (left), pyrite-Kfeldspar (right) and clinopyroxene-pyrite (top). Plane polarised reflected light, field of view 1 mm across.

Sample 155232 showing breccia texture with diffuse pink and grey K feldspar-rich fragments in a feldspathic matrix. Dark brown grains and vein are phlogopite rich.